- Add something unexpected to your meals
- Chocolate chili is easy to make
- Do you have a list of things you look for when it comes to dating?
I leave reading, relaxing and trying new recipes as “things to do” when everything else is done. But everything else is never done. It’s taken me a while to get to this conclusion. Perhaps a milestone birthday or two… Now I’m a huge advocate for MAKING TODAY COUNT.
My partner on the other hand will wear something nice to go nowhere, watch Man United play soccer even if he’s got a busy day and whip up a beautiful balanced meal, whether it’s 7pm or 4 in the morning. His eating habits and approach to life have been a healthy influence on me. Sometimes he simply assembles meat, potatoes and a salad. But he’ll always include a homemade dressing that has a little something-something to make it special.
Chili recipe with a twist
Over the years I’ve accumulated a few go-to recipes. We joke they’re my signature dishes. Usually I make them on nights I ask Alex to update my site.
Each of these recipes are made mostly of one-ingredient foods. Then I adapt them a little to make them more balanced. One of my favourite dishes is a dark chocolate chili. The 70% cocoa adds something unexpected. But don’t worry, it’s NOT a sugary flavour.
Recently I detailed this recipe on THE LIFE. There I explain how we modify this chili to make it a complete meal that includes each food group.
“I heard you singing in the shower.
the alarm went off again
and now your putting on your makeup
I’m still laying in the bed.
Now I thought I could never stay
I’d feel stuck in one place.
Then you came along
and all that changed …”
I’ve never had a list when it came to dating. Obviously there are some things that are deal breakers and other things that win you over right away. After 19 years with Alex, I can safely say, so many things I love about him I would never have considered looking for in a person. Often you don’t know what you need. But I’ve enjoyed the surprises. For example, I feel lucky to live with an adventurous cook.
Get off the bleachers and make this chili recipe!
Cooking shouldn’t be a spectator sport. It’s important to have a few recipes you can pull from your back pocket. Like this dark chocolate chili recipe.

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Sharing what I learned makes the 10 years I STRUGGLED worth it
What’s your go-to recipe? Do you adapt your chili recipe in any way? I’ve also heard you can add coffee and cinnamon to chili.
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