- I was constantly feeling down about myself because of my eating habits
- Now my son is instilling healthy eating habits by modelling after me (& my husband’s lost weight)
- Kelly is living proof that you can accomplish what you set out to do!
Finally, I’m done with dieting – by Erin
For 20 years I was off and on diets. But any time I lost weight, I gained it right back (and more).
Then I started working with Kelly… and my outlook on myself has changed 100%.
Considering that my son just turned one a month ago, it’s pretty incredible that I feel like I have more energy and feel like the best version of myself than I’ve ever felt my whole life. And I’m fitting into clothes I thought I’d never be able to wear again after having a baby. All without dieting!
Country: England
New mom, with a Masters Degree in Communications & 8 years of work experience in my field
Age: 36
Done with dieting and tired of feeling down on myself
My husband and I had a sleep coach/trainer for our son Andrew, that had similar check ins, as well as weekly meetings. We liked the external support and while we didn’t necessarily need it for accountability reasons, it was an excellent way to collect data and track progress.
instead of seeing a psychotherapist, I should do something more practical and invest in a lifestyle coach instead— Erin, England
This experience made me very open to the idea that perhaps instead of seeing a psychotherapist to talk about and deal with how I was constantly feeling down about myself because of my eating habits (while still struggling to commit to a healthier lifestyle and pattern of eating), I should do something more practical and invest in a lifestyle coach instead.
Accountability with Kelly has been instrumental to my success. That, paired with the zoom calls to discuss the changes to my mood and routines has made the process and experience feel both practical and quasi-therapeutic.
Restricting never worked so I was done with dieting
I’ve tried every diet under the sun, including:
- vegan
- paleo
- Dylan diet
- Atkins
- low carb/no carb
- low dairy/no dairy
And restricted to the point of starvation, which looking back, always led to bingeing.
After 20 years, I’m done with dieting and realize I’m not addicted to sugar
I thought I had a lifetime ahead of me trying to unsuccessfully deal with “addiction” to sugar and junk food.
Now that I’ve worked with Kelly, I might have the odd craving from time to time but I’m not fixated in a destructive way where I deny myself of things only to almost immediately cave and binge on everything in sight.
I thought I had a lifetime ahead of me trying to unsuccessfully deal with 'addiction' to sugar and junk food— Erin, England
I can’t believe I went almost 20 years without figuring out that all I needed to do was establish the healthy routine Kelly teaches, that also allows for indulging in treats occasionally.
I’m also not terrified of having the occasional treat and/or the idea of going out and having a decadent meal from time to time. I just know better now how to move on from those moments and have strategies to make sure I don’t make destructive decisions during situations I have less control over.
Ironically, I lost weight when I was done with dieting
My outlook on myself has changed 100%.
I don’t have a continuously running dialogue of negative self talk going through my mind anymore.
My outlook on myself has changed 100%— Erin, England
I feel better prepared to instill healthy eating habits for my son. I actually look forward to exercising now. And for the first time in a long time I made a commitment to bettering myself and was actually successful in following through – a key reason for that is because I wasn’t set up to fail from the beginning.
Kelly’s advice and approach sets you up for success after success, win after win
Negative self-talk is no longer continuously running through my mind— Erin, EnglandI’m fitting into clothes I thought I’d never be able to wear again after having a baby and I can focus on things that don’t revolve around food. I’m not preoccupied because I don’t feel badly about what I ate.
Now that I’m done with dieting I’m happier with my body
I'm the best version of myself that I’ve ever been in my whole life— Erin, EnglandConsidering that my son just turned one a month ago, it’s pretty incredible that I have more energy and feel like the best version of myself that I’ve ever been in my whole life.
I’m happier with my body, and I feel more confident. Also, I’m able to deal with the pressures I face both at work and with an infant son who has his cranky moments from time to time!
My life’s opened up because I’m done with dieting
I’m getting more involved in community causes in my neighbourhood and my dream is to find a secondment opportunity to work a year abroad in a similar field of work that I’m in now.
Who knew being done with dieting would lead to dramatic change?
It’s unbelievable how much my life changed so dramatically, but simply, in just weeks.
It’s unbelievable how much my life changed so dramatically but simply in four months— Erin, EnglandThe information in Kelly’s book (that helps you un-diet and lose weight) and website (e.g. blog posts) were great to go back through as motivators and reminders to be patient and trust in the process.
I know I still have more progress to make but the fact that these first few months have felt so easy, reaching my ultimate goals don’t seem impossible or too far away!
When you’re done with dieting the success quickly follows
What you see is what you get.
Kelly’s practical guidance, friendliness, and positivity makes the journey even easier.
If you make a commitment to yourself to be done with dieting the success quickly follows.
It's so easy to relate to Kelly: you don’t have to work hard to explain your issues or feel bad about your past or current struggles— Erin, EnglandIt’s so easy to relate to Kelly: you don’t have to work hard to explain your issues or feel bad about your past or current struggles – because she’s gone through a lot of it herself and is living proof that you can accomplish what you set out to do!
Working with you, Kelly, makes the recovery journey fun.
Thank you.

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Sharing what I learned makes the 10 years I STRUGGLED worth it
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