- this is the easiest thing I’ve ever done
- Kelly’s disordered eating recovery method DOESN’T shame you for wanting to lose weight
- I stopped craving crap that made me feel lethargic all the time!
- after years of dieting not working… I needed a new approach
- with Kelly’s method I stopped snacking out of boredom… without even trying!
- as a Type A perfectionist, I appreciate Kelly’s method b/c it got me focused on choices that actually change my life
- what I want to tell other women about a life without dieting ↓↓↓
Life without dieting makes eating and life so much easier
I’m an open book and want to share my story because:
I want to encourage other women to
stop dieting
& stop making eating so d*mn complicated ❤️
After figuring out I had disordered eating (I had no idea my eating was disordered. I was doing everything the world told me to do. How could it be so wrong?) … and after spending 3 years trying to stop bingeing and restricting my food, I realized I no longer WANTED to diet.
But I also had NO idea what the EFF to eat anymore.
I’d gone from extreme restriction to “whatever the hell I wanted”, which left me lethargic, unhealthy, and exhausted.
When I met Kelly, I knew right away I liked her combination of NO DIETING & her realistic, healthy, good-for-you approach to food.
Working with Kelly is like having your own personal cheerleader
She holds you accountable with do-able approaches to eating without drama.
Kelly, thank you for holding my hand, reminding me that good-for-you food can taste good again and eating doesn’t have to be complicated!
Country: USA
Career: Content Creation Strategist
Age: 52
First diet: I’ve had an unhealthy relationship with food since early childhood… but my first real diet was in late high school
Diets I’ve tried:
- low fat craze of the 80’s & 90’s
- Intermittent Fasting
- Weight Watchers
- Keto
- Intuitive eating… which helped me stop restricting BUT I gained 40 pounds with that approach 🙁
→ TBH… it was probably more f*ck-it eating (!) Something I probably needed to do after years of restriction. Working with Kelly is more like intuitive eating. She gives you structure. But… there’s intuitive eating within that structure. Which helps you succeed in every situation.
And Kelly’s HAPPY Weight Method™ made it so easy (and fun!) to track my progress. It also keeps me motivated.
Life without dieting goal:
I was tired of feeling lethargic. I wanted my energy back and to be clear minded so I could get back to working at peak performance.
I'd gone from extreme restriction to 'whatever the hell I wanted', which left me lethargic, unhealthy, and exhausted.— Jen, Content Creation Specialist
In my line of work, it’s important to be visible, which is NOT easy to do when you feel like you hate the way you look or you have no energy because the food you’re eating is NOT making you feel good.
Learning how to work with my body (not against it with dieting!)… even as life is happening, has given me freedom. It’s so important for me to be able to live my life, be there for my kid, and show up for my business!
Other preoccupying habits pre-working with Kelly:
I was tired of hating my body mentally. I wanted getting dressed up to go out with friends or for photo shoots (for my business) to be FUN!
Feeling confused about what to eat led to emotional eating, daily.
Why I wanted life without dieting
When I started working with Kelly I was eating food that wasn’t nutritious.
I had a loss of energy.
I didn't know what to eat because of years of dieting— Jen, Content Creation Strategist
Brain fog.
And was just generally feeling like I didn’t know what to eat. I didn’t know what the EFF to eat 🙂
How did I get to that point?
I had so many rules about everything I ate. I mean, I was avoiding fruit because diets I’d been on said I couldn’t have, say an apple, unless I paired it with protein. But sometimes you just want an apple, you know? Dieting made me confused about what to eat. And sucked hours out of my day.
As a Type A perfectionist, I appreciate Kelly’s method b/c it helped me focus on choices that actually change my life… rather than get hung up on details.
The first week I got a taste of life without dieting!
As soon as I started working with Kelly, like, the very first week, I stopped being hungry all the time.
And I was excited I had the freedom to eat bread, even at every meal if I wanted.
I can eat bread and know I'm on track to reach my goals— Jen, Content Creation Strategist
Right away I began to feel excited about eating again—rather than dread it.
And I felt less puffy and bloated.
Also I felt more mindful about what I ate but not obsessive or deprived.
In past I’d always worry I had the wrong food or wrong amount… no matter what I ate.
It felt like this:
As someone who is an over-worker (working on that!) I love having the energy to do all the things I want to get done each day—before I’d wake up and wonder when I can nap again because (now I realize) the food I was eating made me tired.
Life without dieting… Week 2
Here’s an example win from just the second week of working with Kelly, and it captures WHY weight-loss is inevitable & SUSTAINABLE with her method:
❤️❤️❤️I have to say – this is a huge HUGE win for me tonight. My dad always makes a big huge family dinner when I’m here & I almost always over eat. Instead, I used your simple approach and I was so full & satisfied – normally I’d gone back for seconds or maybe even thirds! The cookie i had (only ONE) was good and satisfying – didn’t even want more! All this happened without even really trying.❤️❤️❤️
– Jen, Content Creation Strategist
Even on holiday I ate like a normal person. Normally I want all the desserts. But now I know when you feed your body right you don’t crave all that junk anymore. It’s not about willpower. Kelly’s method is about learning to work WITH your body.
Which feels like this:
And this:
I love animals!
Life without dieting – the BEST part!
The easiest part…?!
Kelly helped me get my desire for healthy food back, instead of craving crap that made me feel lethargic all the time!
In fact, I’m finding processed food actually tastes awful.
I couldn't believe it when my son's M&M's tasted gross— Jen, Content Creation Strategist
For instance, on the way home from our family trip to Florida I had a few of my son’s M&M’s—a food I used to crave when dieting. But after using Kelly’s simple method to build meals that I love, M&M’s tasted gross!!
I seriously couldn’t believe it.
↑↑↑ That’s me not believing it! LOL.
(My photographer, Alice, takes fun, candid pics… so just including that one!!)
Getting into the GOLD Standard Routine™ has made it easy to stay away from junk food.
Now I have a relationship with food
where I know what my body wants.
Also I eat normally,
and can be full and satisfied
without being OVERFULL or stuffed.
Kelly’s approach is the easiest thing I’ve ever done.
I have way more energy which was my major goal.
And I realized I don’t need control around food.
For the first time I trust myself.
I’ve stopped mindless eating!
Life without dieting allows me to be super productive
Not thinking about food all the time gives me so much time back to get stuff done.
I don't give food much energy any more. It's very freeing.— Jen, Content Creation Strategist
l’m not planning what to eat and worrying or feeling guilty about what I ate.
Without all those food thoughts in my head I can prioritize and complete the tasks in my life that really move the needle.
Also I feel much clearer in my thinking.
I don’t give food much energy any more. It’s very freeing.
What I want to tell other women who want a life without dieting
DIETING SUCKS and is not the way out of whatever you’re struggling with now.
You can like food again and not feel controlled by it.
You can like food again, and not be controlled by it— Jen, Content Creation Strategist
…But dieting is NOT the way out of that feeling.
You’re not going to find happiness with yet another DIET and thinking about food MORE.
Kelly teaches you how to live life WITH food, not fight against it.
You can want to lose weight AND not want to diet.
And you can get there in a natural, sustainable way.
What it’s like working with Kelly to embrace life without dieting
I appreciate Kelly and her method because:
- her guidance is easy
- there’s no one way that Kelly says you “SHOULD” take – Kelly’s very hands-on so we can create a personalized & realistic way to end the dieting, binge & restrict mentality. Then the cycle stops running your life!
- she makes it all so DO-ABLE! It’s simple, straightforward, and you get it done!
- Kelly’s so positive and very encouraging; you will never feel judged or hopeless
- she’s a great cheerleader for her clients & always has your back!
Kelly’s in my back pocket and it helps me so much with accountability.
My healthy habits have made me feel so much happier about myself
Photo credit for all of Jen’s pics: @LovingMyCompany
Jen is a Content Creation Strategist
Jen left her high school teaching career to avoid a life doomed by grading crappy 9th grade Romeo & Juliet essays.
In 2013, she made a terrifying leap into entrepreneurship & learned everything the hard way!
Today, as a Content Creation Specialist, Jen helps personal brands step off the content creation DREADmill & get out of content chaos with strategies that ease-ify , simplify, and actually make content feel GOOD for you.
Grab Jen’s Customized Content Planner: a free download that saves people 4 – 5 hours a week – even if they’re incredibly creative & hate planning 🙂 Save tons of time here!

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Sharing what I learned makes the 10 years I STRUGGLED worth it
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