- setting weight loss goals with Kelly helped me lose 32 pounds
- my undiagnosed ADHD led to impulse eating
- how I went from size 8 to 16 and now I’m already back at size 12
- I’m following the framework you helped me build… that works for me!
- Kelly’s method is simple and easy to personalize
- now I know the triggers that used to make me want to eat 5 muffins
- *****UPDATE: Lindi’s lost 40 pounds ❤️
- *****another UPDATE: Lindi’s lost 50 pounds ❤️❤️
- *****yet another UPDATE: Lindi’s lost 55 pounds ❤️❤️❤️
- *****and yes, another UPDATE: Lindi’s lost 60 pounds ❤️❤️❤️❤️
- *****UPDATE: Guess what? I HIT MY GOAL WEIGHT LAST WEEK! This is huge!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
- Latest pic coming soon…
Setting weight loss goals helped Lindi lose 40 pounds
Setting weight loss goals with Kelly is different to any other weight loss program
Sticking with the basic things you taught me has fundamentally changed my life. And I’m healthier and happier. Yes, Kelly’s process isn’t instant like a diet… but I’ve lost 55 pounds in a sustainable way, and all without feeling deprived. So yes, it takes some time but I’ll be healthy for the rest of my life. Taking the time to build habits naturally is so worth it because I’ll be healthy for the next 50 years.
I’ve lost 55 pounds in a sustainable way... These habits will serve me for the next 50 years— Lindi, Grant-writing Strategist, USACountry: USA
Career: Grant-writing Strategist
Age: 33
First diet: 22
Diets I’ve tried before: see below ↓↓↓
Goal: lose somewhere around 65 pounds (I’m already 1/2 way there!)
Other preoccupying habits:
- mindless eating
- impulse eating
- trying new diets when things aren’t working
- overeating
- bingeing
- investing in fad diets
Before when I was starting diets, I’d easily drop between $200-500 dollars just to get started.
Whether I was buying their proprietary pills or “on-plan” meals (which, BTW, tasted like straight up soupy cardboard), or just grocery shopping for all the special new sugar subs or gluten-free flours… that sh*t added up.
But, once I worked with you, Kelly… BAM! Grocery bills were half or less than what they were when I was “on a diet.” Why? Because I’m buying real food. Fruits, veggies, meats, cheese, grains. Waaaay cheaper than any GNC powders or internet exclusive elixirs.
So, if people are on the fence about that, you might remind them how this is actually going to save them beaucoup money in the long run.
Setting weight loss goals with Kelly
Kelly, working with you really has changed my life.
I was so waiting for your group program, so when it came up, it was an immediate yes!
Thank you for giving me an opportunity to reflect and share. You’re such a wonderful and kind person.
This really showed so much when I was struggling with Anna’s illness and passing. It made me feel so much stronger knowing you were going through it with me. I will always love you for the kindness you showed me. ❤️
Setting weight loss goals a few pounds at a time works!
When I started working with you, I was hovering between 228 and 232. That’s the heaviest and unhealthiest I’ve ever been.
I was in a very low place in my life.
But then we started working together.
You were so gentle and kind about all the shame and sadness that I’d built up about bad habits and weight gain.
For the first time in my life, I'm working with my body and not against it— Lindi, Grant-writing Strategist, USA
For the first time in my life, I started having a healthy relationship with food.
I began to understand all the benefits of regular exercise. And the importance of eating regular meals made of real food.
I’d always known this stuff, but working with you made it stick.
Another first:
I’m working with my body and not against it.
Which, as you always say, is key to making the weight-loss process successful long term.
Setting weight loss goals with Kelly works… unlike dieting!
It’s felt really good to set smaller goals so I can achieve them.
For example, when I was around 230 pounds, thinking about getting to a weight of 165 seemed so far away. But, 220 wasn’t.
Then, when I got down to 215 pounds, 207 wasn’t that far away.
Come December, it was like:
“Wow, really getting under 200 pounds
is an achievable goal in the really near future.”
So, I had a very low-key goal of being 199 or lower by the end of January.
Setting weight loss goals based on habits I want to build
I know it’s not about the number on the scale, it’s about other goals I’ve set for myself.
- having the endurance to briskly walk for 2 miles without feeling really winded (check!)
- no more impulse eating. Getting my ADHD diagnosis has helped me understand the triggers for wanting to eat the 5 muffins.
- being able to buy jeans, pants, and tops that aren’t in the plus-size category.
But for me using the scale helped to have a number as another measure of hitting goals. And I loved that you were open to adapting your usual process to accommodate what would set me up for success. And weighing myself did!
So I set those (above) goals along with aiming to be under 200 pounds.
Then on Saturday morning, after letting the girls out, I stepped on the scale and there it was, Kelly!
198 pounds ↓↓↓
I was under 200 pounds.
Kelly, I haven’t been under 200 pounds since before I was married!
I don’t think I really stepped on a scale between 2014 and 2017. I just know that in 2014, I was wearing a size 8 or 10 in bottoms and medium or large in tops. I was jogging regularly (5x/week, about 2 miles), and I was making an effort to eat more whole foods. And I felt good. Like physically, yes, but I also felt confident about my body image.
my undiagnosed ADHD lead to impulse eating— Lindi, Grant-writing Strategist, USA
Then, I was in a small car wreck in October 2014, and was advised to not jog for awhile.
By the time I was released for activity again, it was winter out and I just couldn’t pick it back up.
Then, there were just a series of small, poor choices with food that started adding up. (I think this is also around the time where my undiagnosed ADHD really started to lay deep roots in my adulthood).
Eventually, I had to ditch the size 8 pants and medium tops all together, started swapping the 10s for 12s and then 12s for 14s and 16s.
Then I broke my foot about 4 months before my wedding.
Setting weight loss goals helped me lose 32 pounds so far
Wedding dress shopping was a rude wake up call about how heavy I’d gotten. When my wedding pictures came back, I hated them.
“How could I have let my weight get so out of hand? I look so awful. I’m so fat.”
I felt ashamed. And this is how I operated every.single.day for about 3 years… until I started working with you.
Seeing a number below 200 on the scale has been such a rewarding experience.
My favorite pair of jeans fit… with room to spare
I haven’t really been going to my office downtown, or really anywhere else, for several weeks because of the rise in Omicron cases. And I don’t ever wear jeans around the house.
for the first time EVER, I fit into these pants with a little room to spare!— Lindi, Grant-writing Strategist, USA
On Monday, I wore my favorite pair of jeans into the office. They’re a 14W and I have always loved the cut. They’re very comfortable for jeans. Lots of stretch.
Well, I realized while walking around on Monday that they were really loose.
Like, they just look like they’re too big.
There’s a pair of pants that I bought about 4 years ago, a size 12. They were always too snug, but I loved them so much. They were from an ethical ❤️ fashion brand I love and I knew someday, I’d fit them.
(I don’t make a habit of hanging onto clothes that don’t fit me, but there are just a couple pieces, like this, that I kept.)
So, I decided to try these on. Kelly, for the first time EVER, I fit into these pants with a little room to spare!
Setting weight loss goals and Kelly’s simple method works
I’m doing it!
I’m reaching my goals. And it feels so good.
Eating healthy and moving my body has become a default vs a chore. These choices are so natural now and make me feel so good.
I just want to thank you for being so kind and so patient with me and always sticking through this journey with me.
I adore you more than you will ever know.
And I’m doing the work.
I’m following the framework that you helped me build that works for me in the way that my brain and body respond to… it’s really working!
Thank you!
Taking Kelly’s method and using it to set weight loss goals
Everything I’ve written so far is about my overall experience.
But the first changes I experienced working with Kelly were:
Like how I stopped thinking about food in terms of being “on” or “off” a diet. There was no need to say “today doesn’t count” and overeat and then restart a diet… That mindset just ingrains unhealthy habits.
The second big change was:
My energy levels
They were sky high by eating the simple way Kelly taught me.
Then I started losing weight, as outlined above ↑↑↑
I didn’t even want to binge
Here’s a reflection I shared with Kelly, that highlights one of the mind-shifts I experienced at the start of my weight-loss journey:
How has 7 weeks of working together undone probably 20 years or more of an unhealthy relationship with food? I love your method. Here’s what it looks like in action: The other night I felt a binge coming on. I ordered way too much and thought, “Here comes the binge.” Then, I sat down with my bounty, about to feel bad about myself. But listen to this! After enjoying a healthy amount, I didn’t even want to binge. What are you doing to absolutely reprogram my habits? What magic sorcery is this?!? I don’t care. I want more of it.
You have something very special here, Kelly.
Keep it up!
Thank you for changing my life,
Xoxo, Lindi
Setting weight loss goals – UPDATE: Lindi lost 40, 50… and now 60 pounds (so far!)
Lindi is a grant-writing strategist who rescues dogs and cats
Lindi adopted Anna-Lee when she was 11 years old. (The beautiful pup at the top of this post.)
Anna could not have been more loved. ❤️❤️❤️
A while after she crossed the Rainbow Bridge, Lindi knew that Anna would want her to open her home to other animals who were homeless. So Lindi made that happen!
Here’s a photo of Lindi coming home from a shelter with a beautiful dog who lost her mom and dad due to Covid:
Her name’s Georgia. As in, Georgia Ray of Sunshine
And shortly after Lindi adopted this gorgeous gal Szary, also known as Szary Bear:
Another lucky lady to join Georgia, Lindi’s husband and their super sweet cats Boo and Deuce.
Find out more about Lindi’s Grant-writing Strategy Work that’s changing the world one grassroots charity at a time, here.

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Sharing what I learned makes the 10 years I STRUGGLED worth it
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