- counting calories quickly turned into binge eating
- Kelly didn’t shame me for wanting to lose 10 pounds
- I tried 4 different doctors before Kelly, but she was the only one who helped me
- Kelly felt like a second mom to me and I loved our 1:1 calls
- the entire process of normalizing my relationship with food & losing weight was NATURAL!
- now I know I can eat chips and pizza and it’s part of a healthy routine
- my friend pulled me aside to say “you look phenomenal… you look happier!”
- I don’t even think about food anymore
Binge eating was scaring me
I was feeling so lost because all I could think was:
“I don’t know what to do to break the binge cycle!”
Name: Sareé
Country: USA
Career: Actress
Age: 22
First diet: 19 years old
Diets I’ve tried:
- vegan
- intermittent fasting
- calorie counting
- skipping meals
- whole food plant based diet
To stop binge eating, lose 10 pounds and get back to the old me
I never thought about food before I started dieting!
Other preoccupying habits:
restricting what I eat
obsessive food thoughts 24/7
emotional eating
constant anxiety about my weight gain
feeling confused about what to eat
Binge eating became a problem at the end of undergrad
A few years ago I decided to start counting calories for fun, but pretty soon I became hyper-aware of everything I ate.
Soon I realized that I was gaining weight.
All this focus on numbers got me over-thinking what to eat, worrying about my weight and feeling guilty every time I had cake at a birthday or ate other high-calorie food. Like, any food that’s not considered “diet food”.
So I started skipping breakfast after a big meal or eating something sweet. But that just lead to overeating later in the day.
Suddenly I was trapped in a binge eating cycle and my clothes weren’t fitting
Looking back I realize that I lost track of what was a “normal” meal.
I lost track of what was a 'normal' meal and was confused about what to eat— Sareé, USAI was super confused about what to put on my plate.
The fact my pants were too tight to do up also became an all-day reminder of my extra weight and I put more pressure on myself to restrict. When I feel uncomfortable in my body I can’t be myself.
I hated my body!
Since working with Kelly I haven’t binged or even thought of binge eating
I haven’t even over-eaten… not even ONCE, since starting with Kelly!
I have not binged or even over eaten, not even ONCE, since starting with Kelly— Sareé, USAI don’t feel deprived at all and my constant food thoughts disappeared.
Also, I can eat healthy and feel normal around food in any situation.
Kelly’s simple system also taught me that eating food that makes me feel good—food I love, also helps me lose weight. And I can make really satisfying meals I feel good about in 5 minutes. No cooking required!
Now that I’m not bingeing anymore I feel so much better mentally
Here’s a few ways I’ve changed since I overcame binge eating:
- I’m not as hard on myself
- I can have some off days without going into a “screw it” cycle and ruining all my progress
- There’s no worry about feeling out of control, I trust myself which feels so good!
I don't go into a 'screw it' cycle and ruin all my progress— Sareé, USANow I’m flexible when I’m out with my friends.
And I know I can eat chips and pizza and it’s part of a healthy routine.
Since binge eating is no longer part of my life everything is easier
Before I’d always be eating special diet food. Or buy my own food from the store in packages that had all the calories listed per serving.
But with Kelly’s method everything is simple because I:
- can eat out at restaurants and eat with my family whenever I want, without feeling guilty
- don’t worry about calories anymore
- never go hungry
And I also lost those 10 pounds!
Life without binge eating makes it easy to get twice as much done each day
I never go hungry— Sareé, USANow I spend more time on my grad school work and auditions because I’m not worrying about how I can get my hands on the lowest calorie meal!
Eating regular food also makes it much easier to blend with everybody and be social.
Like after a show I’ll go out to a restaurant with the whole cast and be able to make choices I feel good about.
I have a clear mind and I’m 100% present.
Everything’s more fun.
I hadn’t realized that I looked tired and swollen when I was bingeing
I can spend more time on my grad school work and auditions— Sareé, USAEven last week I was at a party and one of my friends who knew about how out of control and confused I felt about food, pulled me aside.
Then she said:
“You look phenomenal!
You look happier!”
And she wanted to know what made this change…
It was Kelly!
Kelly didn’t shame me for binge eating or for wanting to lose weight
You totally understood where I was coming from when I wanted to stop binge eating but also was desperate to lose weight.
Kelly totally understood where I was coming from— Sareé, USA
Working 1 on 1 with you helped me more than any therapist ever has.
Kelly, you felt like a second mom to me and I could not be more grateful!
You CAN make binge eating something you never do again too!!
You will never find another person that will give you 24/7 accountability, comfort, and support like Kelly.
I tried 4 different doctors before our 1 on 1’s and she was the ONLY one who helped me.
The result?
I’m changed forever.
My relationship with food is completely normalized and I lost 10 pounds
You will never find another person that will give you support like Kelly— Sareé, USAI want everyone to know how worth it it is to learn your HAPPY Weight Method, Kelly!
Even just getting to know you and talking to you every week was such a gift.
I’m so happy I came across you in my research.

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Sharing what I learned makes the 10 years I STRUGGLED worth it
Wow, this is phenomenal!! Awesome, Kelly!! To be honest, I didn’t know you worked with clients who struggle with emotional eating, binging, and the shame resulting from these struggles. Thank you so much for sharing this!! 🙂
Everyone’s complicated relationship with food looks different. Some people binge, some purge or restrict, take laxatives, eat emotionally, etc. or do a combination of these behaviors (like I did). But the method I teach turns these unhealthy choices into healthy habits that unlock your HAPPY weight. When you work with your body (vs. against it via dieting) it’s amazing how you naturally start to crave food choices that give you tons of energy and make you feel good. Thanks so much Kathy for reading Sareé’s story and always being so kind! xo